Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So something I've noticed has become a trend, that yes, I've already blogged about, is that I've been going a bit crazy on the weekends, lately. Just the past two weekends. One was celebration/mourning with family and really good Louisiana cooking. The other was just par for course of a weekend. Pub crawl booth. Bar food. Party. Drinking. Munching.

And not tracking.

I've dropped back down through the week to lower than I'd weighed the week before, but it slows my progress.

It's not the straight, steady line that I had before.

It's a sawtooth. It trends downward, but if I stay on target through the weekend, I'm more likely to actually continue the weight loss at a higher rate than I have the past couple of weeks.

So it's time to plan.
Because Failing to Plan means Planning to Fail.

What do I have going on this weekend?

Friday: Time with my man.
Saturday: Brewery Tour Booth (maybe) & friend's birthday party & perhaps friends hanging out
Sunday: Easter, family, relax

I need to have a plan of action on Saturday, because it is potentially the most difficult.

Bring my own food to the brewery.
Drink lots of water at the brewery. I'm aiming for a 2:1::H2O:Beer ratio. I can't have another beer until I have two glasses of water.
Birthday Party: find out the food truck beforehand and plan for the food that they provide, if not, make sure to have a meal with me that's delicious and nutritious.
Again with the 2:1 ratio. This is a beer gal's birthday.
Play the games that keep my hands busy so I can't keep them busy with 12 oz curls.
Bring veggies and salsa to munch on for CAH (if that's happening)

I don't want this coming weekend to be another toothmark. I want it to be an smooth blade down, down, down, down to my goal.


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