Monday, July 21, 2014

Another Monday, Another Workout

Today's workout was Combat 60!

I had the countdown in my head every 15 minutes. Oh, there's still 45 minutes left? Oh, I'm only halfway done?! What, another 15 minutes?

But I kept with it. I gave it my all, and I worked hard.

I'm very much not in beach shape, but I'll still go out and show everyone my fleshy white belly at the Shore next week. I'm also determined to walk as many miles a day as I can while up there. I don't plan on downloading books to just sit back and read while there. Because if I have a backlog of books, I will read them and not run, jump, and be active. Nothing like the fresh air of The Shore to get you in the mood. Even when it is rainy and cold, sometimes.


Another Weekend Down

I'd say that this past weekend was actually a step in the right direction.

While I still changed my mind at the drop of a hat that I wanted brunch, or that I wanted to have chicken wings and ice cream, and then we needed to go to the movies! Note: all of these endeavours ended up with a number of calories taken in (big surprise).

The part of the weekend 'routine' that I changed was that I worked out at least once! Yes! I actually woke up on Saturday and did my full workout. Things went downhill with the brunch and then sushi feast (with dessert) before the show at the theatre my friend was performing in. Sunday wasn't much better. We went to go suit shopping for James and then didn't have a plan for late lunch and we were both hungry. We drove around aiming towards home and stopped at Pluckers, where I had boneless wings and fries. Then we went to get ice cream at the supremo local ice cream shop.

The food was a bit indulgent.

And I didn't do my workout yesterday.

However, while we were watching Battlestar Galactica at the house at the end of the night, instead of just chilling on the couch, I decided it would be a good chance to do some low-impact ab work, leg work, and work on some low-weight bicep and delt work. Every little bit counts, right?

Judging by my progress, I'm not going to make my weight for the dietbet. I keep getting close and then falling back.

I'm just going to put my bets into the scale at my parents' farmhouse giving me a more preferable weight. And the thought has crossed my mind to bring my scale with me, since we're taking a checked bag.


PS I still feel slimmer than I have been in a while.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tracking Images July 2014

It's been a number of months since I last took a tracking image.

Some days I feel pudgier, some days I feel slimmer.

And all the days I weigh a bit more than I did a year ago. So I figured it was time for some reality and to take tracking images. This way, I have a better idea of what the reality is of my shape/size in regards to other months.

Even though I'm about 10 pounds over what I weighed a year ago, I'm very nearly at the same shape that I was at a year ago. Yay! Granted, I'm still on a journey, not all of it is weight-based, but some of it is.

Progress is as progress does. I didn't work out today. I have lots of catching up to do tomorrow.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Half is Better Than None

I realized that since I didn't work out yesterday & tonight is Ladies of Craft Beer, that I needed to work out before I left the house.

This meant that I needed to finish by now so that I could sweat it out a bit before showering. So I did a half workout. 15 minutes of Combat 30.

I also have to get a copy of my key made to drop at the house & pick up the dog by 3 pm since people want to look at the house. I get it. It's a good house, so why wouldn't they want to see it? I guess I'm just still struggling with the mere concept of selling. At least it put a fire under me to clean up more than we have since James moved in?

Okay, time to hit the showers so I can get to the office on time.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014


When I post my workout results, I feel like I have more motivation to do the next one. Maybe it's seeing the time stamp tick up by a day and knowing that I have it my all. Maybe it's knowing that there are people who read this. Maybe it's because After a year and a half I've noticed that when I stop posting, I start packing on the pounds. 

There is something in the accountability to prove what I've been doing that keeps me on the right track. Even through my weekend struggles lately, I've been doing better than I do when I just don't post, don't track, and don't weigh. Each day works towards a goal. Each day makes it easier to say yes the next day.

HIIT: Power was on the schedule today. Those burpees with push-ups at the end kill me. And I stink at doing lunges properly (with the back knee bent at 90 degrees, too), and so I'm working on doing them with proper form even if I don't end up doing as many as the people on the video.


An Odd Milestone

Back in June, I told myself that I would refrain from buying clothing, decor, or accessories this summer. Mostly, it was because I tend to buy these things to fulfill a need to shop. But on the other hand, it was also because I'm unhappy with my size. I don't plan on being this size forever, and I already have clothes that are smaller than I am now. So why waste money on something I don't need?

I caved about 24 hours after I said I wouldn't buy any new clothing by buying a skirt and a pair of shorts for the summer.

And it's been exactly 1 month since I caved in.

I haven't bought anything since.

The next two weeks will be the difficult part for me because I tend to go a bit shop-happy right before vacation, and we're going on vacation soon. However, my goal is still to continue the clothing/accessory shopping hiatus until September. We're going through house selling and buying and frankly don't need new clothes.

I think my gameplan for not shopping before our trip is to pack early. We'll be gone for just over a week, and I want to pack as efficiently as possible, so packing clothes away now means that it will be extra-special when I get on vacation to wear it. Right?

Anyone else go on a self-mandated shopping hiatus?
Was it to curb a cycle of buying to feel better?
For financial reasons?


PS. I have also made it apply to new workout gear and programs. If I do end up buying anything fitness related, it will be because I fulfilled a challenge to myself like losing weight (even 0.1 pounds) over 8 consecutive weekends, or something.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Cardio Monday

Monday means it's time to check in on Dietbet and hope that I didn't ruin it with my weekend.

Which means if I feel bad at my morning weigh in, then I workout after work & hope for the best. 

Today's workout on the books was Combat 60. Holy kicks batman!

Me before the workout:

And after an hour of throwin punches, kicks, and jumps:

I think it's time that James & I actually calibrated out Digifits because he ends up with almost twice the calorie burn in each workout and our heartrates are about the same through the whole thing. Plus we weigh about the same, or within 20 lbs of each other, now.



Thursday, July 10, 2014

45 Minutes

I burned almost 10 calories per minute!

Oh, and it's Throw Back Thursday, so here are some photos from this day in 2007-2009.



I normally stick to purely fitness-related posts on here. Every so often I touch on the mental health side of living a balanced life. Today, it's mostly the mental side.

For me, change is difficult. Big changes are even more difficult for me. But once I make a decision to make a big giant change, I usually barrel through with plans and then have major moments of breaking down in the midst of all of it because everything's changing and it's so overwhelming.

Changes in my daily diet, workout habits, and things that I do each day or week are both more and less difficult for me than paradigm shifts. The daily is where I find it difficult to change fully because I get comfortable. I get lax. And I have to remind myself each and every day to make the change. I need a blog and a support network to keep going, because without it, I just honestly start to believe the voice inside my head that says that it really doesn't matter.

The paradigm shifts are different.

Choosing a college.
Choosing a major.
Moving across the country.
Changing jobs.
Buying a house.
Starting a business.
Getting married.

These are all things that turn your life upside down. And they usually are things that take a couple months of preparation and then one day, the shift happens. Status changes. Or at least that's how it is for me. I looked at colleges for a year, and then decided. When I chose my major, I had narrowed it down before applying to schools, but took a week to decide on Path A versus Path B. And once I made the decision, it was done. I was there. I went through this again for graduate school. And then choosing a career. It took 6 months for me to explore, interview, and decide, finally, to become a geophysicist and move to Houston. And once I did, it was done. I changed companies after looking for less than 6 months. I decided to buy my house after looking for a new apartment or house to rent for 2 month & realizing I would rather spend that amount of money on buying versus renting. I decided to buy over the course of a week. I started looking right away. It took 5 months to finally close on the house I call a home right now. It was again something that I made the decision and was off. I took a long time to warm up to the idea of taking a big giant risk on my BeerSox business. But once I made the realization that I wanted to give it a go, I gave it my all and made it happen. It wasn't as much of a paradigm shift, it was thought out much more thoroughly, but it was a major shift & change. When I met James, my whole perspective changed. We thoroughly prepared for marriage. But it's another thing where the build up happens quickly and then we made the decision to marry and everything shifted into focus.

And now we're facing another paradigm shift.

We're selling my little bungalow in the Heights and moving out to the suburbs where we can have a house to fit us and the future family we plan on growing together (no, that paradigm shift hasn't begun, yet). And in true Katie fashion, it was an idea we'd tossed around a little, but not a lot, then ran the numbers one day and realized we'd be stupid to hold on to my perfect single-lady home when we know we need more space and we know we want to eventually raise a family, and we know that it makes sense financially. And so we're off at breakneck speed. Listing the home next week, seeing what we have to work with and then starting the home search in Sugar Land.

I have misgivings, but they're all emotional misgivings. I had a lot of personal growth in this house. I met my husband while living in this house. I started my business in this house. I set down roots in this house and in our neighborhood.

I love our neighborhood. I love the community, the restaurants, the walkability, and the vibrancy. It has always been my ideal.

And we're leaving it to go and live in an area where the homes are mostly the same. Where the emphasis is spending time at home with playing children, and where school districts fall more into the decision making than what restaurants we can walk to and how many bike paths are accessible. But we can't stay in our little 982 square foot bungalow without making other sacrifices.

To me, this is a huge paradigm shift. It's not just a change in location, it's a change in lifestyle.
And part of me has already started mourning the things that I love about the bungalow.
I'm sure that I'll become more excited about the move and thinking of the things that we're opening the opportunity for when we finally are able to house search in Sugar Land. Right now, I don't have a home to visualize there, so I'm in this half-world where I know what I'm leaving, and haven't quite figured out where we're going except that it's different and a bit scary and daunting.

At the same time, I'm working at the visualization. I've mentioned that it will be a lifestyle change, and it will. So I'm trying to figure out how to harness this paradigm shift and to incorporate smaller lifestyle changes into it. We won't be as close to all of these amazing restaurants we have in the Heights, so going to them will be a treat for us every so often. We'll also use that as a reason to cook at home and make weekly meal planning a priority. Since we know that we can't just walk down the street to our favorite restaurant, or order from our favorite local pizza joint, we'll have to plan for meals at home. We keep talking about doing our own yardwork, so maybe this is that opportunity to really take it under control ourselves. We'll have room for relatives and friends to stay over.

There are a lot of benefits, and I'm trying to visualize it as taking life down a notch to a slower level. Focusing on developing our home life together. Building that solid foundation that we'll be able to adapt to welcome children into the family (eventually). Because we do want to raise a family. And that will be a whole new adventure for the future.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Holiday Weekends

My goal for the rest of July is that weekends aren't a yard pass to just eat and drink whatever I want.

I gained over the long weekend, but I'm back at it. Yesterday, I did Combat 30, and I have my workouts planned for the rest of the week, too!

If I want brunch this weekend, I'll be making it myself, which is inevitably more healthy. And much less expensive. Found a good zucchini fritter recipe, now I just have to make sure I have salmon & sauce figured out!

Anyways, here's the workout update from yesterday.

Apparently, I didn't post this earlier?

So here's tonight's HIIT: Power workout with vacuuming break for better traction!

Happy Tuesday!


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Not So Lazy Sunday

We had our lazy day yesterday, so today, I woke up with the desire to get things done! 

First things first: Combat 45.

Holy bajoly!

On to the rest of the tasks of the day!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Realtor meeting complete!

HIIT: Power complete!

Now I can have leftover chocolate birthday cake?

I'll have something more nutritious first!


Game Change

For the past number of weeks, or even a few months, I've been struggling. You've seen it in my lack of posting, which usually means I'm not working out. You've seen it in my weight tracking. I've been yoyoing so much! And I'm tired of it.

The eating plan for 21 day fix is great. If you can stick to how restrictive it can be. The workouts are difficult, and they get the job done. It's a great program to help kick-start a change in diet and working out. But it's very utilitarian. I guess I didn't see that as much, because there's lots of color and the music is fun. But James saw it. I wasn't EXCITED to do my workouts. I was just doing them because that's what was on the schedule.

I go to Weight Watchers meetings because the weighing in somehow helps keep me accountable. But I can't stand the meeting. I mean, I just can't stand the amount of processed no-fat low-fat prepackaged food that they suggest people eat. It really bothers me. It bothers me that people can't talk about programs that work for them if they aren't specifically part of the WW rhetoric. It bothers me that I somehow need these meetings to keep in line. And so I start to rebel.

So I guess that means it's time for a game-change.

I struggle with finding the motivational model that works for me, so I'm experimenting with a new one.
I joined the 6 month Transformer DietBet I also got the tokens to weigh in each week. If this ends up working as a weekly check in and goal motivation, then I'll fully quit WW. The thing with DietBet is that you join the challenge, you put your money up, and then there are monthly goals to hit in order to earn back that money. The overall goal is to lose 10% of your body weight in 6 months, and if you do, then you split the pot with everyone else who has reached the goal. At a minimum, if you reach the 10% by 6 months, then you recoup all of your investment $. The challenge began today, and I weighed in after work last night as my starting weight (okay so I gamed the system a tiny bit since I normally weigh in the morning). The first month's challenge is to lose 3% of your body weight. I weighed in last night at 180.6 lbs (yikes!), so my goal for this first month is to go down to 175.2 lbs by August 1. Then next month is 6% cumulative, then 8% cumulative, then 9%, then 10% and finally to maintain 10% loss. If you don't meet your month's goal, you still pass on to the next round, except for the last round. In order to pass from round 5 into the final round, you must have reached at least 6% loss, so that you maintain healthy rates of weight loss and aren't encouraged to crash diet.

I also changed my workout program. I started Les Mills' Combat yesterday. James has been doing it for a few weeks and really loves it. I like the music in it, and it seemed like a much better fit for me to get excited about workouts again.

Add all that to the amount of packing I'll be doing in the next couple weeks, and we have a sure bet for losing weight. We need to get our house in shape to show, so getting rid of a bunch of stuff plus packing away a bunch of stuff is necessary. Oh, yeah. We're trying to move to a larger home out in the burbs. I'll miss my bungalow something desperate, but it's really the best decision for us right now.
