Monday, July 21, 2014

Another Weekend Down

I'd say that this past weekend was actually a step in the right direction.

While I still changed my mind at the drop of a hat that I wanted brunch, or that I wanted to have chicken wings and ice cream, and then we needed to go to the movies! Note: all of these endeavours ended up with a number of calories taken in (big surprise).

The part of the weekend 'routine' that I changed was that I worked out at least once! Yes! I actually woke up on Saturday and did my full workout. Things went downhill with the brunch and then sushi feast (with dessert) before the show at the theatre my friend was performing in. Sunday wasn't much better. We went to go suit shopping for James and then didn't have a plan for late lunch and we were both hungry. We drove around aiming towards home and stopped at Pluckers, where I had boneless wings and fries. Then we went to get ice cream at the supremo local ice cream shop.

The food was a bit indulgent.

And I didn't do my workout yesterday.

However, while we were watching Battlestar Galactica at the house at the end of the night, instead of just chilling on the couch, I decided it would be a good chance to do some low-impact ab work, leg work, and work on some low-weight bicep and delt work. Every little bit counts, right?

Judging by my progress, I'm not going to make my weight for the dietbet. I keep getting close and then falling back.

I'm just going to put my bets into the scale at my parents' farmhouse giving me a more preferable weight. And the thought has crossed my mind to bring my scale with me, since we're taking a checked bag.


PS I still feel slimmer than I have been in a while.

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