Friday, June 28, 2013

Update: It's FRIDAY!

Guess who woke up in time to do 9/10 of her Fire 55 workout before having to get ready for work?


Guess who only has 4 more post-its to put on the wall before she reaches 32 goals met by her 31st birthday?


Guess who is determined to stay within points and reach 100% ActiveLink today?


Guess who will do her workout & reach 100% on ActiveLink ON HER BIRTHDAY tomorrow?


I am hoping that I fit into my dress tomorrow. I have not tried it on in a month, but I'm much slimmer this week than I was a month ago. I weigh less, too.  So there's that.

Still not fitting into my new jeans, so I'm wearing the ones I don't really like still. They've never been a favorite pair of mine. Something about the flared leg and the stretch in them just doesn't sit with me, but they'll do. I'm not buying another pair of size 32 jeans just because I don't like them a whole bunch. They work.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Not doing anything big (like no giant party where I invite 50 of my friends to join in on), but I will be going to a birthday celebration of a cutie patootie 1 year old who was born on my birthday (I graciously share it with him), and James is taking me to dinner at a place that neither one of us has been to and I've been dying to go!

I must peruse the menu to plan my meal tomorrow. I don't want to bust my points budget, but I do want to indulge just a bit.

Happy Friday!


PS  Thank you to everyone who has joined the July Challenge Group! I think that it's full enough now that more might be too many, so perhaps an August Challenge Group is in the cards for those who missed out this time! Don't let that keep you from working out and eating right and reaching for your goals!

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