Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy Tracking Birthday Day!

To celebrate my birthday, I tracked, and took photos! Rock on! Here's the goods, photos-wise.
Front View: Belly is a bit more toned
Back View: So I apparently fixed the lopsided booty issue, and, do you see that? Do you see the disappearing back folds? Do you see them? Let me give you a better look at that.
Going, Going, GONE!!!!

Side View: I actually had to try a number of different arm positions so that you could see my waist and how far it's come, especially right at the back.

My waist is down 5" from when I started in January! FIVE!
My hips are down 1", mostly because I'm toning that booty!
My chest is down almost 2", too!
Arms & Thighs are holding pretty steady.

I am loving the challenge I put myself to this past two weeks! The push to get all three metrics in a day is a challenge, and it's not easy at all. I have to stay conscious.

I didn't get all three in yesterday, but I did my workout & got 135% on my ActiveLink. I went 4 points over my intake.

Today, I have my workout done!
I'll get my activity in, too. 
But I'm totally having a good food birthday, or two.
Tomorrow, we're having a backyard pool party, with a medium sized blow up pool, water balloons, and squirt guns. Oh, and frosty beverages.


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