But for real, it's a difficult circuit, and I rocked it. While I can do sumo squats with 30 lbs, I may not up the weight and instead work on form. I'm just not sure if I'm doing it correctly to target the right muscles.
Tomorrow is Burn It Off, and then I have my first weigh in at Weight Watchers. Yikes! Part if me doesn't want to, but I know it will be good for me. Right now I'm weighing in at around 175 on my home scale, so I expect to be around 178 at the meeting.
Honestly, though, it takes putting on clothes and seeing that it doesn't fit or feel that great to realize I don't look like this anymore:
Granted she's 21 & measures around 36-27-36, which is not too terribly far from what I measured when I was a size 8 & 26 years old. She's 5'10", too, so the proportions are similar. I will never look like that again, and it's not my goal, but I'd like to get close, since that's how I FEEL about myself.
Yep, in a year of working out, I've regained my inner-diva & body confidence. Now, I just need my body to fall in line with how I feel, right?
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