Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lunch Run. May 21

The honeymoon is next week. I've been eating a lot of stress food for work, and stress food for life. What's different?

While I'm not the happiest with my body than I've been in the past year, I was pleasantly surprised by how I liked my body in my swimsuits last night. I decided that I couldn't bring all of my swimsuits next week. I also decided that I needed to bring half as many as I had chosen. So it was try-on time. Two different mirrors & my husband provided feedback. And I liked the way I looked in my two-pieces, except the tankini. And I liked most of the one-pieces, except the one that I need to accept just isn't made for a torso of my length.

Yes, the majority of my swimsuits passed the "do I feel hot in this" test. And that was surprising to me. Mostly because it was the end of the day & I had just eaten two large pieces of deep dish pizza.

And in an effort to not give up, I decided to pack my jogging gear for work. It would give me a chance to de-stress in a healthy way, and help to trim down a bit before I head to a gourmet chocolate plantation for a week. Luckily, the hotel has lots of hiking trails surrounding it. I plan on at least one mile walk each day if not more. Beyond that, I'm eating and drinking whatever I want, whenever I want.

So today's run: 2 miles running, .15 miles walking
Followed by some calisthenics. Burpees, lunges, push-ups, tricep dips.

Now, lunch & back to work.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I was angsty when I got home.

I snapped at James for suggesting I work out. Before he suggested I work out. Because I was projecting all my internal angst & unhappiness with my current state onto him. So I was really snapping at myself. But that doesn't change that I snapped at him for being helpful.

When I started processing this, I realized the best course of action was to take the advice. I went for a run, which allowed him to also work out and then we'd be able to eat together afterwards.

The run was great. We're experiencing a cold front that has left pleasant low 70's with low humidity weather. A light breeze & a late sunset meant that my whole run was in amaIng weather and I was able to sit back in my pace and just admire the artwork along the run, the people out waking, the wind in my hair, and that I have a husband who keeps my best interests in mind, even when I'm all hormonally moody/angsty.

I ran the whole way down to the interstate and then ran a bit on the way back before going into walk-mode.

Which has given me the endorphin rush to be exhilarated & the time to meditate, since I don't run with music, especially around vehicles.

Must remember this feeling. Because 11 days without a workout plus hormones had me driving my husband up the wall and me out of my mind.

This feels good.
(Except where my arm band chaffed)


Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

It has been 11 days since my last workout.

I have spent the past 2 weeks eating well, eating often, cleaning the house, taking baths, and enjoying married life. And I haven't pressed play once.

This needs to change.

My honeymoon begins in a week and a half. I'd like to be really pleased with how I look in my bikini. I know I'll pretty much look just the same as I do today because it's rather unhealthy to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. And also, I really don't have the motivation to stick to a plan that much.

On the weight front, I'm not bad. I'm lower than I was a few months ago, but I'm higher than I'd like to be. And I know that all it would take to kick this butt into gear is to get back to doing my workouts. That might distract me from how itchy I am. Oh, did I forget to tell you? We have a small flea invasion going on. In true form, I am the only one getting eaten alive. The funny thing is, I know that I'm not supposed to scratch them because it opens me up to infection. However, they itch like mad! And when I scratch them, it removes the material that itches, and then they don't itch anymore and they heal. We'll see. I am hydrocortisoning the heck out of them, and have been spraying down my bedroom, living room, and kitchen (the places that have fabric) and vacuuming and sweeping. The animals are all treated, and this is a very new thing, so I hope I've nipped it in the bud rather than letting it go for a couple weeks as I start to go crazy day by day of being eaten alive.

It drives me bonkers.


10 days.

Can I work out 10 days in a row?
Can I get back on that saddle?
Can I believe that I am worth more than a pint of ice cream and cookies?

I will, I can, and I do.


Friday, May 2, 2014

Weighing In

Every so often, I get to a point where I feel like working out is just not worth it.

I know how I'd been eating, and I know how the parties have affected my waistline. Those are the times when it's really easy to tell myself that a 30 minute workout is just not going to do anything. I tell myself that I can skip it. Not like it's going to make a difference. Right?

How do I get myself back into the habit of valuing my workouts? The pride of not missing a workout day just doesn't cut it for me. I have to WANT it.

How do I get there when I'm just not seeing the value?

I started weighing in.

Before my workout. And then after my workout.

I know that it's mostly water from sweat, but seeing a change of 1+pounds makes me feel like that workout was worh it. It's making a difference. It's helping mitigate that piece of tres leches cake last night, or that extra glass of beer.

And that's what's getting me back in the habit. (Okay, so I have to get back in the habit every other week. At least I remotivate over and over rather than letting myself completely slide?)


PS. I'm getting married today! I also just went for a jog!


One More Sleep!

Today is my love's birthday. It's also the day after his bachelor party, and the day before our wedding!

So guess who woke up before her hair appointment to do her workout?

This Girl!

It was Cardio Fix day, and I rocked it!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Yay! Dirty 30!

I had a lazy morning before the onslaught of wedding events. Read a great book!

And the I just finished my workout, Dirty 30. So now, lunch, meeting the event coordinator to go over last minute details, and then, hopefully, getting my nails done before heading to our welcome fiesta!

Yay! 2 sleeps until I marry the man of my hopes, dreams, and forever!
