I snapped at James for suggesting I work out. Before he suggested I work out. Because I was projecting all my internal angst & unhappiness with my current state onto him. So I was really snapping at myself. But that doesn't change that I snapped at him for being helpful.
When I started processing this, I realized the best course of action was to take the advice. I went for a run, which allowed him to also work out and then we'd be able to eat together afterwards.
The run was great. We're experiencing a cold front that has left pleasant low 70's with low humidity weather. A light breeze & a late sunset meant that my whole run was in amaIng weather and I was able to sit back in my pace and just admire the artwork along the run, the people out waking, the wind in my hair, and that I have a husband who keeps my best interests in mind, even when I'm all hormonally moody/angsty.
I ran the whole way down to the interstate and then ran a bit on the way back before going into walk-mode.
Which has given me the endorphin rush to be exhilarated & the time to meditate, since I don't run with music, especially around vehicles.
Must remember this feeling. Because 11 days without a workout plus hormones had me driving my husband up the wall and me out of my mind.
This feels good.
(Except where my arm band chaffed)
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