I was over at my mom's house on Sunday night going over a bunch of wedding details and I made mention at how difficult I've been finding it to give a care about earnestly trying to lose weight. I'm all over the place. One day, I'm doing it, I'm portion control lady with goals and drive, the next, I really just want to live on my rump with my head in a chip bag.
And I'm tired of it.
My wedding dress came in the perfect size for me. I have my first fitting on March 22, so I have just over a month to get into ship shape and then maintain.
Well, my mom suggested we do the same thing this year that we did last year for Lent, commit to go to Weight Watchers meetings together. We get to see each other each week, and I'm starting to realize that going to the meetings actually DOES help me stick to it. So I figured, why wait until Lent starts, when I can start right now? So I shelled over the bucks for the monthly pass and I tracked every last ounce of food and beverage yesterday. Yes, those few glasses of wine, generously poured, I tracked every ounce of it. The chocolate pieces? Tracked.
I tracked my workout, which was Push Circuit 2. Which only got me 3 points, because Weight Watchers doesn't give weight lifting very much credit. My heartrate monitor says that I burned 300 calories in that circuit.

And I do have to say that there is a big reason that I love ChaLEAN Extreme. I know EXACTLY how much I've improved. When I finished the program last year, I was still using 7.5 lbs for my deltoid lifts. I've been using 10 lbs for deltoid lifts in the Burn Circuit, and now that I'm in the Push Circuit, and my goal is 6-8 reps, I'm using 12.5 lbs. I want to be able to use 15 lbs for 8 reps by the time I get to the 4th week. I'm using 30 lbs for my squats and my lunges. Last night, I'll admit to feeling a bit lackadaisical about my workout. The first week is usually difficult to guage what weight to use, and I think I got most of them right, but I also was happy to get to 6 and didn't push myself to get to 8 reps on some of the exercises that I really think I could have done. I was just tired. So those 30 lbs single leg squats? I only did 6 when I probably could have done 8. I'll push myself to do all 8 next week and then bump each dumbell up to 35 lbs and hopefully push some of them up to 40 lbs by the end of the circuit. Squatting 80 lbs total? That is some serious business and I can't wait to get there!

I really enjoyed my little 1 mile jog on Saturday, so I'm going to try to get in a run 3 mornings a week. It's not too chilly in the morning, now and James wakes up early to work out. Theoretically, it shouldn't be difficult for me to just kick myself out of bed and jog while he works out. I'm such a lazy morning person. He wakes up at 5:30 am, drinks his E&E, preps for his workout and then does 2 T25 workouts and is showering by 7:10 usually. I usually hear his alarm, and then promptly decide that I can't possibly do anything until he finishes showering at 7:30/7:40, so I reposition my eyeshade and roll over to have another 2 hours of rather pitiful slumber. Why is it pitiful sleep? Because I barely sleep during this time, I toss, I will myself to sleep, and instead I just listen to ShaunT directing James' workout and then I listen to him shower, and then I realize that if I don't get out of bed and get ready, then I'm going to be late to work because I've only left myself 45 minutes to get ready.
What COULD my morning look like?
Wake up when James does at 5:30 am, prep for my run.
At 6, start my run
Finish around 7 and then have breakfast while James showers, then get ready for work at my usual time.
Why does that seem so difficult? I already have cruddy sleep during those 2 hours, so why not cut my losses and get in some extra exercise?
And what better way to start than tomorrow? I would say today, but this morning has already passed and I have my cardio workout this evening. Is it ambitious to assume I'll be able to run for an hour? Absolutely, but I may as well keep that time open.
So running and Weight Watchers...watch out world!