Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wait, What Happened?

I've worked out a few times since the 15th. About 4 times. Maybe?

The training class and events after work took over. And then it was Easter weekend. I worked out Saturday and then went stand up paddle boarding with James, my brother, and sister-in-law on Sunday. I also did push-ups and some balance moves!

And Jehnna & I inadvertently matched outfits.

We had a great time hanging out with the family. However, based on this week, I need to up my immune system drastically.

I woke up sick as a dog Monday. It was a day I should have called in sick. And then I should have called in on Tuesday, and didn't. Yesterday, I finally felt well enough to work out. I did Cardio Fix again. 

Today, my allergies are still going crazy. My sinuses are out of control. I hope this clears up by Wednesday. I don't want to feel so rundown when I've got a lot of social events and family to visit with! And also the whole getting married thing!

I've been zinc-ing up. I've been drinking herbal tea, and eating well to recover from the weekend's indiscretions.

So. Not much progress on the workout front. Plenty of progress on dropping the 4 pounds I gained last week & weekend. So at least this has just made me slow down and focus on my nutrition.

I'm so tired of Spring allergy season. My sinuses are in overdrive and no amount of meds is helping.

Oh well. It's life. Just have to keep the tissues nearby and steam my sinuses.


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