Thursday, January 24, 2013

Burn Intervals and AB Burner

Tonight was the long workout & aerobics workout. I didn't get home until 8 :30 pm since I had my first therapy session tonight. I think it will be a good relationship.

The workout. Let's see, lots of plyometrics and lunging and high rep/light weights in between. It wrung me out. By the end, I was doing the lower intensity moves because I was all over the place.

And then had to take my inhaler at 20 minutes left of the 45 minute workout. Then a small break and on to ABs!!! Or as I should name them UGHs! I stink at them now.

Interesting point: Riley the dog was hyper before I started, and when I took breaks, but when I started moving, she just laid down off to the side and watched & waited. It was like having a cheerleader.


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