I was not great this weekend.
Saturday, I did my Push Circuit Workout, then I went for a jog for 45 minutes. I was so wrung out, so I didn't make my speed goal of sub-12 minute miles. But I still did it. And I went to have brunch on my way home. The version of eggs benedict at Downhouse was calling me to keep running. It's squash cakes topped with smoked salmon & poached eggs with a creamy dill sauce on top. There's also a side of fresh greens with a light vinaigrette. By far one of the healthier versions of eggs benedict. I knew I needed to eat well because we were headed to a wedding and wouldn't have dinner until around 8 pm.
I danced my tooshie off at the wedding! And I ate well.
Sunday, my right knee started whining at me. I tweaked it a couple years ago training for the MS150 bike ride. A combination of falling off my bike/crashing a few times and a bike that was fit for someone about 6 inches shorter than me (I did go for a bike fitting to get it optimized, but there's only so much you can do with a frame meant for someone smaller). It hasn't acted up at all this year. So I suspect that with the very heavy lifting I've been doing, I re-tweaked it when I lost balance on one of the squats or lunges. I don't have great balance, so I've been known to lose it when I'm working out. Instead of going with it, and letting myself fall, I fought to regain balance. With 90 extra pounds of weight and rotating on my knee, I should have just let it go. And then I ran. And then I danced for 2+ hours in 4 inch heels.
So Sunday. Sunday, I iced my knee, and I did not work out. We did walk to brunch, though? I felt a bit pity-party-ish about my knee and totally took yesterday to indulge in brunch and pizza and beer with friends. And I needed that. One last big let-it-all-go day before Lent.
This Lent, I'm continuing with Weight Watchers meetings with my mom, and I'm giving up beer. I've been weaning myself from beer this year and indulging my vinofile tendencies in an effort to make it less cold-turkey of a sacrifice.
Today, I have another weights workout. I'm going to take it easy on the lower body focus, though. I don't want to push this tweak to the point of injury. But I also don't want to go more than that one day without a workout. Because 2 days in a row without a workout usually leads to me taking over a week off of a workout.
Cheers, Happy Lundi Gras!
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