I need to focus (or as my friend's mother says: fuh-kiss) on the positive.
Lately, I've been feeling 'off'. I've been dragging at my workouts, eating candy and other crud food, and waking up most days in a totally bad mood. James has had to deal with the brunt of the bad mood, where I have literally woken up in the morning and started griping and going off about the little things that bug me about our house, or our pets, or how he's just so freaking chipper! You know how in horror movies, the screen turns red and the sirens start going off? That's been how I've been waking up.
And there's really no reason for it. So I'm determined to choose happiness this week and every day after that. I'm determined to catch my "mean reds" before they go on too long, because it's miserable. It makes me feel worse, it makes those around me feel bad, and nobody likes a party pooper.
So today, while I woke up to a kitten who somehow got into the room and started attacking feet and knocking over my jewelry tree, and James woke up to Mr. Skitz puking on the floor, I decided that I would just take it in stride. It took a concerted effort, and I nearly fell into my habit of just letting it ruin my day, but in the end I decided that I would take it for the good. We have three pets who all have personality, and who all love us, and most love each other in some fashion. They all want to be near us all the time. And James and I have each other to take care of and love.
We had a great weekend. I stayed home to nurse a lingering cold which was exacerbated by allergies on Friday, then James took me for a date night, where we went to dinner and then went to play pool. Remind me to find a place in Houston that has pool tables for rent but isn't smokey. I don't know how places can still allow smoking, I thought it was outlawed to have alcohol and smoking. Regardless, we had so much fun. Saturday, we drove out to San Antonio to grab some things from storage for the wedding. Namely James' collection of Ghost Busters toys. We drove back and James crashed on the couch after driving for 6 hours round trip, and I went to join friends at a charity bottle share. Yesterday, we had a lazy morning, then got to work cleaning the garage a bit, picking up things that we'd left at other people's houses, and grocery shopping.
This wasn't just any grocery shopping. I was prepping for starting the 21 Day Fix, which I received on Friday. It was launched in February, and sold out so quickly that it's been on pre-order ever since. They did not expect the amount of interest in this program, and everyone I know who has been able to complete the 21 days has had great results. Today's the first day that I'm trying it out. It's focused on portion control, balanced nutrition, and eating meals every 2-3 hours. Seeing as my eating is what I've been having the most difficulty with, I've decided to start the eating plan before getting into the workouts, since I'm going to finish out the Lean Circuit of ChaLEAN Extreme.
There are various size & color containers to help determine portion sizes. One is mainly for vegetables, another for fruit, one for protein, another for mainly starches. Those are the main 4 larger containers. Those are the ones that I find more easy to come up with meal combinations with. It's the blue and orange containers that I'm still wrapping my head around. The blue, as I've seen is is mostly for more fatty foods, and the orange is for even more fatty/sweet foods? Then there's the tablespoon which is for your oils, nut butters, etc.
Today, I'm doing the regular meal plan for my weight and activity level.
4 green (veggies)
3 purple (fruits)
4 red (protein)
3 yellow (starch & caloric beverages)
1 blue (nuts & cheese)
1 orange (seeds)
4 tablespoons (oils)
There are actually lists of foods in the eating guide, so I can find out what counts as which. And you are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours, so I'll be having my first snack in a bit. The one thing that I think I'll struggle with is that you're only supposed to get 3 caloric beverages each week. I have been using a cup of unsweetened almond milk in my Shakeology each day. It tastes different with just water, so I'm going to have to experiment with what to use that works with it. Because both almond milk & wine count as caloric drinks. And I can only have 3 total each week. So if I go for wine, I have to cut out the almond milk. :-/
Also, my final fitting and bridal portraits are this weekend, so I'm using the 3 day fast track plan tomorrow through thursday. It's basically protein at every meal/snack plus a starch for the first two meals and veggies for the last 5 meals. Grilled chicken, alternating with steamed fish. Now, I tried steaming fish last night, and I'm not sure if I did it correctly. We'll have to see if it's palatable tonight. I decided that I would make it easier on myself by steaming a bunch of chicken and cubing it, as well as steaming a bunch of fish and flaking it so that I don't have to cook every day. Again, I'm a bit wary of the fish, since I've always either grilled, pan fried, or broiled fish. This had a totally different texture, so I'm just a bit wary. I may need to redo that. I look at the portions and the amount of meals and I am a bit daunted with the amount of food. But there's a lot of it because it's all very good for you.
Today here's my plan:
Breakfast: 1 scoop chocolate skakeology, 8 ounces unsweetened almond milk, water & ice with cayenne (1 red, 1 yellow, free, free, free)
Snack 1: 1 whole banana & 12 raw almonds (2 purple, 1 blue)
Lunch: steamed chicken, brussels sprouts, lentils (1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow)
Snack 2: Fage 0%, blackberries & raspberries mixed (1 red, 1 purple)
Snack 3: whole artichoke & mustard (2 green, free)
Lean Circuit 1
Which leaves dinner, which I haven't fully planned. I have 1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, and 1 orange left.
Best guess: asparagus, fish, quinoa, and olives
For the teaspoons, I'm adding virgin coconut oil to 4 of the meals, which is recommended in the program.
I'll be tracking both my workouts and my eating on here this week, so that you can see if this is a program you're interested in, or just so you can cheer me on! Seriously, I love comments. Much of my blog is internal musings and how I keep accountable, but it helps so much to hear from you!
P.S. If you ever find yourself interested in a Beachbody program or Shakeology, please order through my website rather than off amazon! It costs the same to you, but the commission goes to me rather than to a corporate giant.
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