Tuesday, July 15, 2014

An Odd Milestone

Back in June, I told myself that I would refrain from buying clothing, decor, or accessories this summer. Mostly, it was because I tend to buy these things to fulfill a need to shop. But on the other hand, it was also because I'm unhappy with my size. I don't plan on being this size forever, and I already have clothes that are smaller than I am now. So why waste money on something I don't need?

I caved about 24 hours after I said I wouldn't buy any new clothing by buying a skirt and a pair of shorts for the summer.

And it's been exactly 1 month since I caved in.

I haven't bought anything since.

The next two weeks will be the difficult part for me because I tend to go a bit shop-happy right before vacation, and we're going on vacation soon. However, my goal is still to continue the clothing/accessory shopping hiatus until September. We're going through house selling and buying and frankly don't need new clothes.

I think my gameplan for not shopping before our trip is to pack early. We'll be gone for just over a week, and I want to pack as efficiently as possible, so packing clothes away now means that it will be extra-special when I get on vacation to wear it. Right?

Anyone else go on a self-mandated shopping hiatus?
Was it to curb a cycle of buying to feel better?
For financial reasons?


PS. I have also made it apply to new workout gear and programs. If I do end up buying anything fitness related, it will be because I fulfilled a challenge to myself like losing weight (even 0.1 pounds) over 8 consecutive weekends, or something.

1 comment:

  1. I am on a no-buying stint right now & it's mostly because we need to save every penny for the wedding which is fast approaching. Having various wedding payments due in the next few weeks is the incentive I need or else I probably cave & start buying beers even though we have TONS we haven't even opened yet & have no more storage for more, or I'm tempted to buy tshirts I don't need, or I'd be requesting dinners out more regularly. Right now my clothes *JUST* fit & I refuse to allow myself to buy any new clothes until after the wedding. The exception will be if a standard article of clothing gets damaged/worn out & it's a necessity item of clothing. Otherwise I have all I need. The only person getting new clothes is Kevin because his work wardrobe is serious lacking. Even then we are using old gift certificates we found ($125!) to buy as much stuff as we can (hopefully most/all on clearance).
