I managed to make it through James' birthday weekend without losing too much track of myself. I did indulge. I did eat junk. But I also stayed active.
Now, this isn't to say that I'm being that great at sticking with my plan.
Well, okay, let's revisit my workouts for this period.
I'm in week three, right now, so 3 times a week, I have a 10-20 minute ab workout plus stretching for 10-25 minutes. I have 2 strength workouts per week, and one cardio day. Half of the time, on those abs days, I'm horrible at planning. I think, oh, it's about 10 minutes of abs and the rest is just stretching. And so I push it. Or I get to the cardio day and have been feeling icky, so I try to finish it and poop out.
I need to finish out this week strong! Why? Because next week is the CARDIO WEEK! It's my ramp up, it's the big, tough week before I have my weigh-in!
It's a slow, low intensity section, and I just don't feel the drive to do it. But, guess what? I'm doing it!
And I've been riding my new bike around town! The weather has been unseasonably (and welcome) cool recently, so it's the perfect time to start getting out on the bike!
Tonight, I'm making up my ab workout that I failed to do yesterday. I may add it in to tomorrow's to stay on track, though, since it's date night.
I'm doing. Not just trying. Doing.
On another note, I've been officially diagnosed with ADD, something that I've joked for years about. But now, I'm doing some reading into how it affects the adult brain. It is crazy how accurate this is. Growing up, I was a total space-cadet, but really smart, so my grades rarely suffered, unless it was due to having to memorize facts or figures (I still can't do memorization to save my life). Anyways, I'm reading up about it because I want to be sure, when we approach looking at medication, that we have the right kind. I'm pretty sure I would not react well to a stimulant.
Progress. Knowledge is power.
Do. There is no try, only do. (Did I mention that we had a May the 4th, Star Wars party for James?)
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