Yesterday, I tracked everything.
I forgot to wear my ActiveLink.
We biked to dinner.
We biked around after.
I had water when we got home rather than the beer before bed that I would normally have.
I did not do my TurboFire workout.
I am up in weight, and it stinks. I know what I need to do, but I'm not doing it. I just can't get myself out of bed in the morning to work out. And I want to spend time with people after work. I miss being social! Even if it's not really being social, it's just being out.
Tonight, I will do the workout I missed this morning. I will do laundry. I will clean the house, and I will pack. I will clean out the storage/work room and put everything where it needs to be, so I'm not overwhelmed with it when I get back and decide to extend my BeerSox break. I need to get back on track with everything. I will clean the bedroom and put away the laundry, so that I can take photos of the bed to sell on craigslist before the new mattresses for the new bed arrive. (by the way, are you looking for a queen sized bed?) I will do my workout, or at the very least A workout. Today is slated for Push circuit 3. I was hoping it was a weight training workout. It's been too long since I slung around some iron. It makes me feel powerful, and strong, and like I can take on the world.
So that's a lot of stuff to do tonight. I will get most of it done.
Laundry (wash, dry, & put away)
Would be nice to also get done:
Clean & organize Storage Room
Soak & block #3 niece/nephew baby blanket
Clean bedroom of all floor debris
Break down & move all boxes to the garage
But I think that that's way more than I can get done tonight.
So I'll have to wait until next week for some of that. But now, it's written down. It's said. It's told. And I will get it done at some point. A lot of that is what I have to do to just get my head working in a forward direction. Rather than getting home and thinking that I can just read and take a bath and then maybe get to doing the things, I'm going to just take action immediately. Eat dinner, do laundry, clean a bit, and then, when my body has digested a bit, workout while laundry is cycling.
I can do this.
I can stick to it.
Luckily, I'm headed to my friend's house who inspired me to start the BeachBody programs in the first place, so she has a workout space and the DVDs, and the motivation/accountability that comes with knowing that I won't have to explain why I need to do my workout. It will be a good weekend of relaxation and fun with some very wonderful women I met 10 years ago while studying in France.
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