Thursday, June 12, 2014


My working out got highjacked this week. By myself.

I had my reasons.

1. I was really achey (muscles, hormones, brain)
2. I really just wanted to curl up into a ball and feel comfort
3. So I did

By yesterday, I finally felt energized enough to do the Pilates Fix workout.

It is so weird to do a workout in the living room while my husband sits on the couch and watches and I have 3 pets trying to get up in my business because they equate floor time with play time. It's weird. But it's also what you have to do when you workout after work and you live in 982 square feet with a husband, a dog, and two cats. It also has opposing effects on me. Sometimes, it really bugs me to be watched during my workout. I feel like I'm being critiqued, even though I know he's probably not watching intently, and he's in there because that's where the couch is and where he keeps his computer. Sometimes, it makes me want to do my workout better so that he can't rag on me for giving up in the middle of a move, and push myself to do better pushups because I'm still struggling with them after nearly a year and a half of working on them.

But I digress.

I did Pilates Fix. It was on the slate for last Saturday. I had never that program even once since I started on the 21 Day Fix workouts. Why? Because it scares me. I've worked on strength and cardio for a long time and I haven't really done pilates since I was in graduate school and was in better shape and about 30 pounds thinner. Plus, I was still in pain from Friday's workout. And my abs are not that strong. After stopping singing in choir, I've noticed a marked decrease in my fitness. Is the universe trying to tell me something? Is it time to suck it up and join the 9 am choir (which means being at the church, 35 minutes away, at 8 am on Sundays) so that I can have that fellowship back & workout back? I'll give that some thought.

Anyways, I did the whole thing. I did have to modify the planks, and I got allergy spots from being on the carpet (dog, cat, and wool allergies combined!), but I did it.

And tonight, I will do the next workout. I think it's Dirty 30.

I also weigh in at Weight Watchers, and we have an activity in the evening, so I plan on working out in the morning. This is huge. By the time my first alarm usually goes off at 6:30 am, James has done his workout and is showering. This means that I need to wake up before 6:30 am so that I can brush my teeth before he needs to shower and then get my workout in because waiting to brush my teeth until after he's finished showering doesn't leave me enough time to workout and shower and all. I hear all the alarms, and I respond to all the alarms, but I go back to bed every time. I wake up when his alarm goes off at 4 am. I get his phone from the kitchen and then get mine and bring them into the bedroom, wake him up and go back to bed. My alarm usually goes off at 6:30 am, but I then snooze it until 7 or 7:30 am when I finally start getting up the gumption to get out of bed. I like my 7+ hours of sleep every night. I don't operate well with less.

So I will get my sleep and get my workout and then I will have a good weigh in tomorrow, right?



  1. I HATE to be watched when I work out which is the main reason I do them at 5:00 am because Kevin is still sleeping. The other day I didn't notice that he'd gotten out of bed & was in the living room until he came up to me in the kitchen as soon as I finished my workout. I hated the fact that he'd been watching me. That's my "me" time & I don't want to feel like I'm being judged (not that he judges, but still...)

    1. Erin. Yeah, it's not like I have issues when I'm at the gym or anything, because everyone is doing something. James has started going into the bedroom while I workout, which works.
