So a bit ago, I made a list of the things that I wanted to get done that are hanging around in the background whenever I try to read, watch TV, go out to see friends, etc. These are the sucks on my attention, and things that I tend to let bring me down, but they are also things that need, or have needed, to get done for a while.
Clean up the backyard (did this on Sunday rather than going to a social event)
Fix the sink
Fix the ceiling fan in the kitchen
Set up the studio
Work out (5/8 times so far)
Do the laundry (only a couple small loads remain)
Clean & organize the front room
Make the bed (1/2 of the time I get this done)
And to add to the list:
Unpack & put away my luggage
Devise hat storage
Stick to the budget
Go to the dentist
Go to the eye doctor
Do my nails
Take 5 minutes to be quiet and be grateful each day
Cook dinner 5 times per week
Bring lunch 4 times per week
I think that's enough to work on right now.
Nothing is too difficult, but everything needs a little bit of attention each day, and a plan to execute.
And to add to the list:
Unpack & put away my luggage
Devise hat storage
Stick to the budget
Go to the eye doctor
Do my nails
Take 5 minutes to be quiet and be grateful each day
Cook dinner 5 times per week
Bring lunch 4 times per week
I think that's enough to work on right now.
Nothing is too difficult, but everything needs a little bit of attention each day, and a plan to execute.
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