Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Last night, I really only did some high & slow stepping to get my heart going a tiny bit. My back was still in a fair amount of pain, so no impact or twisting was needed.

I iced it that evening & slept with an ice pack under my back for most of the night. I kept my knees elevated on a pillow & a very small pillow under my neck. I woke up much relieved. I was still a bit stiff, but I could move fluidly. 

By the end of the work day, I had no pain! I could even roll my hips. Yes, I roll my hips to the songs in my head. 

I decided to do a TurboFire Fire workout to get my heart rate up. I miss it! Anyways, I got 20 minutes in and realized the cross cuts were not doing my healing any good. So I stopped and did some jumping jacks, running in place, bicep curls, and whatever I could think of to make it longer.

So now, back to ice, after I eat something. 

But first, YAY! My back isn't screaming at me!


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